SA Medicine

SA Medicine110号(2017年8月号)連載「犬・猫の呼吸器を診る」第3回「吸気性異常呼吸音 吸気性ストライダー」城下幸仁先生 著


  1. Holt DE. Upper Airway Obstruction, Stertor, and Stridor In: King LG, ed. Textbook of Respiratory Diseases in Dogs and Cats. St Louis: SAUNDERS, 2004;35-42.
  2. Dunning D. Tongue, Lips, Cheeks, Pharynx, and Salivary Glands In: Slatter D, ed. Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Sauders, 2003;553-561.
  3. Smith MM. Oral and Salivary Gland Disorders In: Ettinger SJ,Feldman EC, eds. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 6th ed. St.Louis: Elsevier Saunders, 2005;1290-1297.
  4. 城下幸仁. 犬猫の呼吸器科第18回 上気道閉塞性疾患⑭ 口咽頭腫瘤性病変. InfoVets 2013;16:55-65.
  5. 城下幸仁. 犬猫の呼吸器科第19回 上気道閉塞性疾患⑮ 咽頭気道閉塞症候群1-定義および臨床像-. InfoVets 2013;16:44-49.
  6. 城下幸仁. 犬猫の呼吸器科第21回 上気道閉塞性疾患⑰ 咽頭気道閉塞症候群3-血液ガスと転帰-. InfoVets 2014;17:63-67.
  7. 城下幸仁. 犬猫の呼吸器科第23回 上気道閉塞性疾患⑲ 咽頭気道閉塞症候群5-症例-. InfoVets 2014;17:58-69.
  8. 城下幸仁. 犬猫の呼吸器科第22回 上気道閉塞性疾患⑱ 咽頭気道閉塞症候群4-症例-. InfoVets 2014;17:52-59.
  9. 城下幸仁. 犬猫の呼吸器科第17回 上気道閉塞性疾患⑬ Epiglottic retroversion(喉頭蓋の後傾). InfoVets 2013;16:34-40.
  10. Flanders JA, Thompson MS. Dyspnea caused by epiglottic retroversion in two dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2009;235:1330-1335.
  11. Mullins R, McAlinden AB, Goodfellow M. Subtotal epiglottectomy for the management of epiglottic retroversion in a dog. J Small Anim Pract 2014;55:383-385.
  12. Skerrett SC, McClaran JK, Fox PR, et al. Clinical Features and Outcome of Dogs with Epiglottic Retroversion With or Without Surgical Treatment: 24 Cases. J Vet Intern Med 2015;29:1611-1618.
  13. Monnet E. Brachycephalic Airway Syndrome In: Slatter D, ed. Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 2003;808-813.
  14. 城下幸仁. 犬猫の呼吸器科第13回 上気道閉塞性疾患⑨ 喉頭虚脱1. InfoVets 2012;15:30-37.
  15. 城下幸仁. 犬猫の呼吸器科第14回 上気道閉塞性疾患⑩ 喉頭虚脱2. InfoVets 2012;15:27-33.
  16. White RN. Surgical management of laryngeal collapse associated with brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome in dogs. J Small Anim Pract 2012;53:44-50.
  17. Torrez CV, Hunt GB. Results of surgical correction of abnormalities associated with brachycephalic airway obstruction syndrome in dogs in Australia. J Small Anim Pract 2006;47:150-154.
  18. 城下幸仁. 短頭種気道症候群の治療 病態生理に基づく周術期管理と術式選択. 日本獣医麻酔外科学雑誌 2016;47:104-107.
  19. Shelton GD. Acquired laryngeal paralysis in dogs: evidence accumulating for a generalized neuromuscular disease. Vet Surg 2010;39:137-138.
  20. Stanley BJ, Hauptman JG, Fritz MC, et al. Esophageal dysfunction in dogs with idiopathic laryngeal paralysis: a controlled cohort study. Vet Surg 2010;39:139-149.
  21. Thieman KM, Krahwinkel DJ, Sims MH, et al. Histopathological confirmation of polyneuropathy in 11 dogs with laryngeal paralysis. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2010;46:161-167.
  22. Nelissen P, White RA. Arytenoid lateralization for management of combined laryngeal paralysis and laryngeal collapse in small dogs. Vet Surg 2012;41:261-265.
  23. Holt DE, Brockman D. Laryngeal Paralysis In: King LG, ed. Textbook of Respiratory Diseases in Dogs and Cats. St.Louis: SAUNDERS, 2004;319-328.
  24. Ridyard AE, Corcoran BM, Tasker S, et al. Spontaneous laryngeal paralysis in four white-coated German shepherd dogs. J Small Anim Pract 2000;41:558-561.
  25. Gabriel A, Poncelet L, Van Ham L, et al. Laryngeal paralysis-polyneuropathy complex in young related Pyrenean mountain dogs. J Small Anim Pract 2006;47:144-149.
  26. Taylor SS, Harvey AM, Barr FJ, et al. Laryngeal disease in cats: a retrospective study of 35 cases. J Feline Med Surg 2009;11:954-962.
  27. Clifford CA, Sorenmo KU. Tumors of the Larynx and Trachia In: King LG, ed. Textbook of Respiratory Diseases in Dogs and Cats. Philadelphia: Elsevier SAUNDERS, 2004;339-345.
  28. 城下幸仁. 犬猫の呼吸器科第15回 上気道閉塞性疾患⑪ 喉頭腫瘍1. InfoVets 2012;15:45-50.
  29. Costello MF, Keith D, Hendrick M. Acute Upper Airway Obstruction Due to Inflammatory Laryngeal Disease in 5 Cats. J Vet Emerg Crit Care 2001;11:205-210.
  30. Tasker S, Foster DJ, Corcoran BM, et al. Obstructive inflammatory laryngeal disease in three cats. J Feline Med Surg 1999;1:53-59.
  31. Guenther-Yenke CL, Rozanski EA. Tracheostomy in cats: 23 cases (1998-2006). J Feline Med Surg 2007;9:451-457.
  32. Stepnik MW, Mehl ML, Hardie EM, et al. Outcome of permanent tracheostomy for treatment of upper airway obstruction in cats: 21 cases (1990-2007). J Am Vet Med Assoc 2009;234:638-643.

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