SA Medicine

SA Medicine117号(2018年10月号)連載「犬・猫の呼吸器を診る」第10回「ギャギング(Gagging)/レッチング(Retching),咽頭液の喀出(Expectoration)」


■第10回「ギャギング(Gagging)/レッチング(Retching),咽頭液の喀出(Expectoration)」城下幸仁先生 著
1.Gengler W. Gagging In: Ettinger SJ,Feldman EC, eds. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 6th ed. St. Louis, MO: Elsevier Saunders, 2005;127-128.
2.Ettinger SJ. Ccughing In: Ettinger SJ,Feldman EC, eds. Textbok of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 5th ed. Philadelphia, 2000;162-166.
3.Rozanski EA, Rush JE. Acute and Chronic Cough In: King LG, ed. Textbook of Respiratory Diseases in Dogs and Cats. St.Louis: SAUNDERS, 2004;42-46.
4.Mason RA, Johnson LR. Tracheal collapse In: King LG, ed. Textbook of Respiratory Diseases in Dogs and Cats. St.Louis: SAUNDERS, 2004;346-355.
5.Costello MF. Laryngitis In: King LG, ed. Textbook of Respiratory Diseases in Dogs and Cats. St.Louis: SAUNDERS, 2004;335-338.
6.Kim HY, Woo GH, Bae YC, et al. Necrotizing sialometaplasia of the parotid gland in a dog. J Vet Diagn Invest 2010;22:975-977.
7.Mukaratirwa S, Petterino C, Bradley A. Spontaneous necrotizing sialometaplasia of the submandibular salivary gland in a Beagle dog. J Toxicol Pathol 2015;28:177-180.
8.Brooks DG, Hottinger HA, Dunstan RW. Canine necrotizing sialometaplasia: a case report and review of the literature. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 1995;31:21-25.
9.Gibbon KJ, Trepanier LA, Delaney FA. Phenobarbital-responsive ptyalism, dysphagia, and apparent esophageal spasm in a German shepherd puppy. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2004;40:230-237.
10.Gilor C, Gilor S, Graves TK. Phenobarbital-responsive sialadenosis associated with an esophageal foreign body in a dog. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2010;46:115-120.
11.戸島 篤. New Wave Report フェノバルビタール反応性唾液腺症 What’s your diagnosis? CAP: Companion Animal Practice 2013;28:61-69.
12.柴田 光, 杉山 伸, 田中 功. 眼球突出及び流涎を認めフェノバルビタール反応性唾液腺症を疑った犬の1例. 日本獣医師会雑誌 2015;68:780-781.

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