SA Medicine

SA Medicine 114号(2018年04月号)連載「犬・猫の呼吸器を診る」第7回「鼻汁・くしゃみ」


■第7回「鼻汁・くしゃみ」城下幸仁先生 著

1.Doust R, Sullivan M. Nasal Discharge, Sneezing, and Reverse Sneezing In: King LG, ed. King, L G. St.Louis: SAUNDERS, 2004;17-28.

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3.Callan MB. Epistaxis In: King LG, ed. Textbook of Respiratory Disease in Dogs and Cats. St.Louis: SAUNDERS, 2004;29-35.

4.McKiernan BC. Sneezing and Nasal discharge In: Ettinger SJ,Feldman EC, eds. Textbook of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 5th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 2000;194-197.

5.Radford AD, Gaskell RM, Dawson S. Feline Viral Upper Respiratroy Disease In: King LG, ed. Textbook of Respiratory Diseases in Dogs and Cats. St.Louis: SAUNDERS, 2004;271-283.

6.Mathews KG. Fungal Rhinitis In: King LG, ed. Textbook of Respiratory Diseases in Dogs and Cats. St.Louis: SAUNDERS, 2004;284-293.

7.Mackin AJ. Lymphoplasmacytic Rhinitis In: King LG, ed. Textbook of Respiratory Diseases in Dogs and Cats. St.Louis: SAUNDERS, 2004;305-310.

8.城下幸仁. 犬猫の呼吸器科第9回 上気道閉塞性疾患 ⑤犬の慢性特発性鼻炎. infoVets 2011;14:52-59.

9.城下幸仁. 犬猫の呼吸器科第8回 上気道閉塞性疾患④ 鼻腔の腫瘍. infoVets 2011;14:33-38.

10.安藤太, 福本真一郎, 佐藤知生, et al. 慢性的臨床症状を呈したイヌハイダニPneumonyssoides caninum感染症の診断と治療. 日本獣医師会雑誌 2015;68:385-389.

11.Aronson LR. Nasal Foreign Bodies In: King LG, ed. Textbook of Respiratory Diseases in Dogs and Cats. St.Louis: SAUNDERS, 2004;302-304.

12.Niles JD, Williams JM, Sullivan M, et al. Resolution of dysphagia following cricopharyngeal myectomy in six young dogs. J Small Anim Pract 2001;42:32-35.

13.Pfeifer RM. Cricopharyngeal achalasia in a dog. Can Vet J 2003;44:993-995.

14.Kyles AE. Esophagus In: Slatter D, ed. Textbook of Small Animal Surgery. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 2003;573-592.

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