SA Medicine

SA Medicine 74号(2011年08月号) 特集「治療シリーズ -私はこうしている- Vol.11『生殖器・乳腺疾患』」


■『偽妊娠』堀達也先生 著
1.Tsutsui,T., Kirihara,N., Hori,T. and Concannon,P.W. Plasma progesterone and prolactin concentrations in overtly pseudopregnant bitches: a clinical study. Theriogenology, 67:1032-1038, 2007.
2.Hori,T., Kawakami,E. and Tsutsui,T. Pituitary hormone responses to luteal regression after administration of prostaglandin F2alpha-analogue. Reprod. Domest.Anim., 39:298-302, 2004.
3.Harvey,M.J., Cauvin,A., Dale,M., Lindley,S., and Ballabio,R. Effect and mechanisms of the anti-prolactin drug cabergoline on pseudopregnancy in the bitch. J.Small Anim.Pract., 38:336-339, 1997.

■『人工流産』堀達也先生 著
1.Goericke-Pesch,S., Georgiev,P., Wehrend,A. Prevention of pregnancy in cats using aglepristone on days 5 and 6 after mating. Theriogenology. 74:304-310, 2010.
2.Kirihara,N., Naganawa,A., Hori,T., Kawakami,E., Tsutsui,T. Influence of a PGF2alpha-analogue, etiproston tromethamine, on the functional corpus luteum of dogs. J.Vet.Med.Sci. 67:1-6, 2005.
3.Hori,T., Akikawa,T., Kawakami,E., Tsutsui,T. Fenprostalene-induced abortion in bitches. J.Vet.Med.Sci. 64:993-998, 2002.
4.Tsutsui,T., Mizutani,W., Hori,T., Oishi,K., Sugi,Y., Kawakami,E. Estradiol benzoate for preventing pregnancy in mismated dogs. Theriogenology. 66:1568-1572, 2006.
5.Georgiev,P., Wehrend,A. Mid-gestation pregnancy termination by the progesterone antagonist aglepristone in queens. Theriogenology. 65:1401-1406, 2006.
6.Eilts,B.E. Pregnancy termination in the bitch and queen. Clin.Tech.Small Anim.Pract. 17:116-123, 2002.

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