SA Medicine

SA Medicine135 連載「ボーダーラインを見極める! 内科的治療の限界と外科的介入」 第8回「巨大結腸症(外科パート)」著者:福井翔先生 参考文献


1. Williams JM (2017): Colon. In: Veterinary surgery small animal, 2nd ed. (Tobias KM, Johnston SAeds), pp.1761-1782, Elsevier, St Louis.
2. Bertoy RW (2002): Megacolon in the cat. Vet Clin Small Anim 32: 901‒915
3. Kudisch M, Pavletic MM (1993): Subtotal colectomy with surgical stapling instruments via a transcecal approach for the treatment of acquired megacolon in cats. Vet Surg. 22:457
4. Rosin E (1993): Megacolon in cats: the role of colectomy. Vet Clin North Am Small Anim Pract.
5. Sweet DC, Hardie EM, Stone EA (1994): Preservation versus excision of the ileocolic junction during colectomy for megacolon: a study of 22 cats. J Small Anim Pract. 35:358

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