SA Medicine
SA Medicine128号(2020年8月号)「ボーダーラインを見極める!内科的治療の限界と外科的介入」 第1回「胆嚢疾患」 金本英之先生・秋吉秀保先生 著
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6) R Policelli Smith, J L Gookin, W Smolski et al. Association Between Gallbladder Ultrasound Findings and Bacterial Culture of Bile in 70 Cats and 202 Dogs. J Vet Intern Med. 31(5). 2017. 1451-1458.
7) Max Parkanzky, Janet Grimes, Chad Schmiedt,et al. Long‐term survival of dogs treated for gallbladder mucocele by cholecystectomy, medical management, or both. J Vet Intern Med. 33(5). 2019. 2057-2066.
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13) Youn G, Waschak MJ, Kunkel KAR, et al. Outcome of elective cholecystectomy for the treatment of gallbladder disease in dogs. J Am Vet Med Assoc. 252. 2018. 970-975.
14) Parkanzky M, Grimes J, Schmiedt C,et al. Long-term survival of dogs treated for gallbladder mucocele by cholecystectomy, medical management, or both. J Vet Intern Med. 33(5). 2019. 2057-2066.